Price list for checking the contract

Our lawyers perform verification of a standard contract for about 2-3 pages from PLN 135 inc VAT. Even if it is in English or in German. The cost of analyzing the contract depends on the length of the document. We present the final price for your approval before providing the service. Payment is made via secure Tpay payments.

You have a contract bilingual? Necessarily Contact us before sending the document to avoid automatic pricing for the second language.

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Options of checking the contract

Select the appropriate contract check option that suits your needs. You are the one to decide what you care most about and what is important to you.

If you only wish to know if you can sign the contract safely - choose the basic option. You will be sure that the contract does not contain prohibited clauses or unfavorable provisions. And if you have questions about the contract, attach them to the document and you will receive an answer from a lawyer.

Choose the extended option if you want the lawyer to correct the unfavorable provisions and check the contract in relation to the provisions of the GDPR. In this option, you will be able to talk to a lawyer about this contract by phone.

Wariant indywidualny jest dla Ciebie najlepszy, jeśli chcesz, aby prawnik sprawdził tylko fragment umowy czy wskazany paragraf lub potrzebujesz analizy już podpisanej umowy pod jakimś kątem, np. możliwości pracy dla konkurencji.

Answers to questions:

Basic analysis





Can the contract be signed safely?ZawieraZawiera
Does the contract contain unfavorable provisions?ZawieraZawiera
Does the contract contain prohibited clauses?ZawieraZawiera
Can you withdraw from the contract or terminate it (and what does it involve)?ZawieraZawiera
Own questions about the contractZawieraZawiera
Additional options:
Correction of unfavorable entriesZawiera
Phone consultation of the performed analysisZawiera
Analiza tylko wskazanego fragmentu umowy LUB sprawdzenie umowy pod określonym kątem, np. pracy u konkurencjiZawiera

Basic analysis Mężczyzna, który trzyma umowę gotową do analizy podstawowej przez prawnika

Answers to questions:

  • Can the contract be signed safely?
  • Does the contract contain unfavorable provisions?
  • Does the contract contain prohibited clauses?
  • Can you withdraw from the contract or terminate it (and what does it involve)?
  • Own questions about the contract

EXTENDED ANALYSIS Kobieta, który trzyma telefon i umowę gotową do analizy rozszerzonej przez prawnika

Answers to questions:

  • Can the contract be signed safely?
  • Does the contract contain unfavorable provisions?
  • Does the contract contain unfavorable provisions?
  • Does the contract contain prohibited clauses?
  • Can you withdraw from the contract or terminate it (and what does it involve)?
  • Own questions about the contract

Additional options:

  • Correction of unfavorable entries
  • Phone consultation of the performed analysis

ANALIZA INDYWIDUALNA Mężczyzna, który trzyma umowę gotową do analizy podstawowej przez prawnika

  • Analiza tylko wskazanego fragmentu umowy LUB sprawdzenie umowy pod określonym kątem, np. pracy u konkurencji
A może potrzebujesz dobrego wzoru umowy?